- Wednesday, March 4, 2020 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Montgomery Theatre, Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut St.
In co-sponsorship with the Wolf Humanities Center Forum on Kinship, Gen/Sex presents Stolen Daughters, a recent HBO documentary made about the 276 Nigerian schoolgirls--referred to in the film as the Chibok girls--who were abducted by Boko Haram in April 2014. The film raises questions about how young female survivors of extremist violence must navigate the complicated demands and pressures imposed by government, community, and family as they re-integrate. How does the rhetorical fashioning of survivors along kinship terms (i.e. “our girls,” “our daughters”) by both the government and the filmmakers render the “Chibok girls” as subjects in need of global attention and care? The film will be accompanied by introductory remarks and a panel. See https://wolfhumanities.upenn.edu/events/stolen-daughters-kidnapped-boko-haram for details. Contact Jacob (jamyers@sas.upenn.edu) with questions.