- Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - 4:30pm to 5:30pm
FBH, Faculty Lounge
4:30-6:30pm. All cohorts are welcome for the first hour, which will go over a general timetable for job prep from Year 1 to Year 5 and include a panel of grads who will share their experiences on the market and what they did (or didn’t do) to prepare for that process over their time at Penn. The second half of the meeting will be for people who are going on the market this coming fall. Here you'll receive a copy of the placement handbook and we’ll discuss in more detail the timetable for what you need to be doing this spring and over the summer to prepare for the job deadlines, which can begin around August for postdoc fellowships. *Note: for everyone planning to apply for jobs this coming season, it’s ideal that you meet with your committees before the summer to discuss your dissertation progress and make sure your advisers are on the same page about your job market plans. Note the recently enforced requirement that everyone meets with the entire committee once a year: http://www.english.upenn.edu/graduate/requirements-rules-procedures/dissertation/dissertation-progresss
Featuring Chi-ming Yang