At best, essays and memoirs tap into deep curiosities about and connections to the larger world. In this class, you will use these genres to explore the human condition, including the way life has surprised you, perplexed you, held you captive, set you free, broke your spirit or made you laugh. Through intensive writing and revising, you will explore the craft of creative nonfiction, an art form that calls on both the literary techniques of fiction (including character, scene-setting, plot, dialogue, description, structure, narrative/thematic tension, pacing, chronology, point of view, imagery, and metaphor) and the reporting strategies of journalism (reportage, fact-checking, sourcing). Over the course of the term, you will write and revise one long piece and several shorter ones that will be generated by guided freewrites. Through assignments, class exercises, workshop critiques and discussions of readings, expect to become a stronger writer, a better reader, and an enthusiastic reviser.