Introduction to Postcolonial Literature cancelled
ENGL 093.001
TR 9-10:30
This course is meant to serve as a general introduction to the study of colonial and postcolonial literatures. We will concentrate on close readings of novels and short stories, but students will also be required to do some background reading for each class. We will study the works of Conrad, Kipling, Maugham, Rhys, Achebe, Rushdie, Pramoedya, Kincaid, Coetzee, among others, and discuss films by Ray and Sembene. Requirements include short written assignments, two oral presentations, two 8-11 page essays.
fulfills requirements
Sector 2: Difference and Diaspora of the Standard Major
Sector 6: 20th Century Literature of the Standard Major
last updated: March 9, 2015 - 11:11am