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Advanced Fiction Writing

ENGL 115.301
W 2-5:00

This is a workshop in which students will be required to write forty pages of fiction--short stories or part of a novel or novella--and submit at least one story or chapter for publication. Through first drafts and much rewriting, students will learn techniques for plotting; get to know characters and coax them to reveal themselves dramatically, efficiently; create dialogue and settings; and avoiding common errors. Through discussion of each others' work, students will help one another learn better how to accomplish the two very different tasks of serious fiction writers: relaxing, falling, diving into, exploring, eavesdropping on an imagined world to create a story, and then analyzing, cutting, fixing, and revising that story so that self-expression grows into art.

If you would like to register for this class, please submit a 5-page fiction writing sample, along with a completed permit slip, to Lorene Cary's mail box in 119 Bennett Hall.

fulfills requirements