Artist in Residence Carmen Maria Machado featured in PennCurrent
November 28, 2017
Up four flights of stairs in the house-like home of Penn’s Creative Writing Program is the office of Carmen Maria Machado, writer-in-residence and celebrity author in the making.
Her brunette hair knotted on top of her head, she sits with her leg tucked under her in an oversized chair near the bay window of her garret-like space. She’s dressed to go to Penn’s Pottruck Center later, black tank top, galaxy-print leggings.
The fact that she is here at all on a Friday is unusual. After teaching her two classes on Mondays and Tuesdays, she usually travels the rest of week for events featuring her first book, “Her Body and Other Parties.” Signings, readings, and panels in cities from New York to Los Angeles...
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Featuring Carmen Maria Machado