Cary Collection Short-Term Research Fellowship
The Cary Graphic Arts Collection at Rochester Institute of Technology invites applications for a one-month research fellowship for the study of the history of graphic communication. The fellowship is open to scholars engaged with subject areas covered by the library’s holdings. Selected research collections include:
· Bernard C. Middleton Collection of Books on the History and Practice of Bookbinding
· The most substantial archive in America on the work of Hermann Zapf
· Type specimens, 18th century to the present
· Historical type (metal and wood) and matrices
· Private press printing: Doves Press, Golden Cockerel Press, Kelmscott Press, Klingspor, Limited Editions Club, Merrymount Press, Officina Bodoni, Roycroft Press, Spiral Press, and Vincent Fitzgerald & Co.
· The archive of book designer and calligrapher Ismar David
· The archive of calligrapher Paul Standard, including decades of correspondence with major 20th-century graphic artists
For further information on our holdings, please visit our website,, and search our catalog:
The Cary Collection short-term fellowship is for one month of study in residence at the library, with a stipend of $2,500 to cover travel and living expenses. The fellowship must be used within a year of the award.
Applications are due January 15, 2016. To apply, please mail or email a research proposal detailing your project, a CV, and two letters of recommendation to:
Dr. Steven K. Galbraith, Curator
RIT Cary Graphic Arts Collection
90 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623
585-475-6900 fax