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Inner Outer Space Travel Writing: A Creative Writing Workshop

ENGL 131.401
also offered as: GSWS 510, LALS 510
TR 4:30-7:30pm

Inner Outer Space Travel Writing is a creative writing workshop focused on writing work within the science fiction/speculative fiction/alternative futurities, science/land/travel writing, and creative-critical nonfiction traditions. Students will work within a variety of genres, with an emphasis on the essay, the short story, screen/tele-play, play, blog and performance. Students will read recommended texts from within their particular interests, and the course will culminate in both a public performance and dissemination/publication via another media platform (zine, website, podcast, etc). All levels of experience, from none/first-time writer to published writers, are encouraged to register for the course. This course is cross-listed with Gender, Sexuality, and Women’s Studies; Theatre Arts; and Latin American and Latino Studies.

fulfills requirements