Advanced Playwriting
This course is intended to reinforce and build upon the areas covered in Level 1 Playwriting (THAR 114) so that students can refine the skills they’ve acquired and take them to the next level. Topics covered will include techniques for approaching the first draft, in-depth characterization, dramatic structure, conflict, shaping the action, language/dialogue (including subtext, rhythm, imagery, exposition etc.), how to analyse your own work as a playwright, dealing with feedback, the drafting process, techniques for rewriting, collaboration (with directors, actors, etc.) and the ‘business of the art’—working with theatres, agents, dramaturgs etc. Students will undertake to write their own one-act plays over the course. The classes will be a mixture of lecture, discussion, study of dramatic texts, writing exercises and in-class analysis of students’ work. This class is cross-listed with Theatre Arts 214.