“It’s Funny Because It’s True” (well, most of it.)
In this workshop style class students will focus on the development comedic material drawn from specific, personal experience.
While not exclusively geared toward television or screenwriting, the course will serve as a foundation for developing comedic material which might be adapted for those genres. Students will be exposed to classic* examples of comedy writing in the form of essays, novels, and selections from television and films.
Participants will be required to write a comedic essay, write and deliver a short stand-up routine, and to write a scene or sketch to be read aloud. Class participation and attendance are mandatory. Previous comedy experience is not, though the ability to laugh is a plus. Mr. Schneider lives and works in Los Angeles. He will make at four extended visits to Penn. Students must be available for meetings on Thursday evening, all day Friday, and Saturday morning during these four periods which are tentatively set for:
January 10-12
February 7-9
March 14-16
April 18-20
When Mr. Schneider is not at Penn, the class will meet with the teaching assistant and confer with Mr. Schneider by skype/conference call. Mr. Schneider will also work individually with each student by email and phone. Students will be admitted to this course by permission of the instructor. Applications should be sent to Mingo Reynolds at:mingo reynolds@writing.upenn.edu The deadline for submitting applications is Monday, October 15. Students will be notified of their status by October 29. Applications should include: a short note describing your interest and relevant experience (coursework and otherwise) and a brief (8 pages max.) sample of your writing. What sort of writing sample? Almost anything that you've enjoyed writing. If you don't have something you consider suitable, a well-constructed, amusing plea to be included in the class will suffice. Essentially, up to eight pages of anything that isn't boring will be appropriate.
Those with resumes can send one also, but it is not required.
* Who says they’re classic? I do and I’m in charge.