This course takes students into the exiting world of telling stories for the
visual medium of film. We will learn the current professional screenplay
format, read classic screenplays (i.e. USUAL SUSPECTS, BLADE RUNNER, ETERNAL
SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND, CHINATOWN) and closely analyze both the texts
and the actual films they spawned. Much attention will be paid to creating
complex characters who speak in compelling, delineated voices. Each workshop
participant will be expected to write a short screenplay of 12-15 pages (with
a beginning, middle and end) and have it read in class where it will be
thoroughly discussed by both the instructor and the group. Outlining the
story and the architecture of narrative structure are of paramount importance
to us so much time will be devoted to this area. Each student will be
expected to keep a JOURNAL for the class, detailing their development in what
is a truly challenging medium.