Linked to the Kelly Writers House calendar of events and programs, this unusual course will cover a diverse range of contemporary writers, styles, and genres. Throughout the semester, we'll read and respond (in our class discussions and writing assignments) to the broad variety of writers who will be visiting and reading at the Writers House, with plenty of opportunities to meet and talk with the writers themselves. The class will be run as a writing workshop -- students are expected to read and respond to each other's work on a weekly basis with the same attention and care that they respond to the assigned readings and events on the syllabus. The writing assignments themselves will encourage class participants to experiment with merging critical and creative approaches in prose, exploring the boundaries between the personal and the expository, between individual and community. The writers we'll read and meet include but are not limited to Adrienne Rich, Alice Sebold, Eleni Sikelianos, Lyn Hejinian, E.L. Doctorow, Mark McMorris. The class will require weekly reading and writing assignments, and attendance at selected Writers House events and programs. A willingness to experiment and explore unexpected connections and conjunctions is a mandatory prerequisite for this course. Final grades will be based on class participation, weekly writings, and a final portfolio. Permission of instructor is required for enrollment.