This is a workshop-style class for experienced writers who have already mastered the basic techniques of fiction. Each student will present at least three short stories or three excerpts from a novel-in-progress. These pieces will be scheduled in advance for workshop discussion.
Students will keep a "writer's journal" from which they may read aloud from time to time throughout the semester. In addition, there will be occasional exercises designed to illuminate specific technical concerns which arise during discussion. We will address topics such as Point of View, Voice, and Narrative Distance as well as issues of structure and style. Readings will include classic and contemporary fiction, plus topical readings on the art of fiction, but the most important reading assignments will be the work submitted by your fellow students. In this workshop the thoughtfulness and thoroughness of your criticism is as crucial as the written work you produce.
Students must complete English 112 before they may apply for admission to this course. Send a sample of your fiction to the instructor c/o the Department of English, 119 Bennett Hall.