Can a cartoon be deep? What kind of movie is more than four hours
long? Every medium of representation has its own
technology and its own style, but how is the medium the message? As
we think about what it means to re-present, we will follow
representations of Jewishness as these representations intersect with
other issues such as state authority, family dynamics, women's rights,
class struggles, racial praxes, and more.
Jewish depictions animate the works we will be studying in this
course, but otherwise these works have little in common. We will probe
shifting Jewish portrayals on a journey through different genres: short
stories, novels, plays, movies, poetry, personal journals, a medieval
manuscript, and even a cartoon book. Authors we will discuss include:
Shakespeare, Philip Roth, Art Spiegelmann, Jean Paul Sartre, Anzia
Yezierska, E.L. Doctorow, Adrienne Rich, Claude Lanzmann, Anne Frank, and
Franz Kafka.