This summer English 84 explores four defining features of the cultural
terrain of the 20th century's opening decades: "the end of American
innocence" (immigration, ethinicity, class), expatriation and the
development of modernism, the Harlem Renaissance, and politics and society
in the Depression years. Readings include novels, stories, poetry,
essays, plays, and autobiography by Mary Antin, Abraham Cahan, Sui Sin
Far, Zitkala-Sa, Edith Wharton, Jack London, James Weldon Johnson, Robert
Frost, Edgar Lee Masters, Sherwood Anderson, Eugene O'Neill, Gertrude
Stein, William Faulkner, Lanston Hughes, Alain Locke, Countee Cullen,
Claude McKay, Zora Neale Hurston, Jean Toomer, Jessie Fauset, Meridel
Lesueur, Michael Gold, Clifford Odets, John Dos Passos. Requirements
include three short papers; an oral presentation on a poem or short story;
participation in class; several screenings ("Picasso, Braque, and
Cubism," a film portrait of Langston Hughes, the Gary Sinise version of
"The Grapes of Wrath"); perhaps a visit ot an art museum or other cultural
site; and a final project, with creative options.