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Asian-American Identity in the Visual Arts: A Studio Approach

ENGL 293.401
F 9-12

This studio/seminar course surveys works by contemporary Asian American visual artists and examines issues these artists address. Students will look at works by, read about and discuss various artists working in different media who explore self-identification and the process of creating art. Questions for consideration include: do characteristics exist that define "Asian American art"? How do Asian American artists define their relationships to their work? To their communities?  To their histories, both personal and "objective"? How do these artists fit into the broader context of cultural production and politics?

Readings and discussion will serve as background for studio work devoted to personal investigations. Studio work will focus on creative problem solving, both individually and in groups, unrestricted by choice of medium. Studio emphasis lies on the thoughtfulness and creativity with which project "problems" are addressed. The course requires no previous art experience but demands an openness to experimentation.

fulfills requirements