This workshop is especially designed for CGS, post-baccalaureate and selected undergraduate students who continue beyond English 112, or it's equivalent, for writing concentration majors, for those who are working on longer works of fiction, collections of stories, and other special projects. Writing ability and workshop experience are the primary requirements, and work must be submitted for acceptance. Discussion and critique of works by class members is the focus of the course; consequently, regular attendance is important. Problems of craft and specific problems of structure and technique will be addresses through these critiques and supplemented by analysis of such matters in works of classical and contemporary fiction. Private conferences are part of the course and will be arranged by appointment on Mondays and Tuesdays. Students interested in the course should submit writing samples to Diana Cavallo, English Department, Bennett Hall 119. Non-CGS students should submit samples by November 27 and will be informed by December 11. Please include SS#, class status, and telephone number. Class is limited to 12 to 15 people.