In this course, we will read a variety of 19th-century novels in order to explore the changing notions of the self in society. We will focus in particular on the different ways in which these writers negotiate agency and desire in the context of the imperial, scientific, and political discourses of the period. Texts may include Jane Austen's Sense and Sensibility, Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights, Charlotte Bronte's Villette, Wilde'sThe Picture of Dorian Gray, Somerville and Ross's The Real Charlotte, Eliot's Middlemarch, Hardy's Tess, Haggard's She, and Conrad's Lord Jim. Students will be responsible for an oral presentation, two 5-7 page papers, a midterm and a final exam. Class and listserver discussion will also be required.
Note: This course, in combination with English 45 or 65, may be used to fulfill the requirement for English 203. Please see the requirements for the English major for more information.