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Intermediate Expository Writing

ENGL 125.900
R 4:30-7:10

NOTE:  Fulfills College Writing Requirement.  This Intermediate Expository
Writing course is a workshop designed for the writer interested in reaching
his/her audience more effectively.  Through writing (and re-writing), and
through discussing readings which describe and demonstrate various
rhetorical strategies, you'll become familiar with diverse techniques for
composing and analyzing written works related to your profession and/or
area(s) of interest.  Major assignments include reading articles on
writing; reviewing articles chosen by classmates; writing informational
reports, critical analyses, and argumentative papers; and presenting (with
two or three other students) an evaluation of some company (or other
institution) which interests you.  To add reality to the class, we'll use a
workshop approach which enables each student to experience the
communication process from the perspectives of witer and reader, and quite
often, we'll address real-life communication problems.

fulfills requirements