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Poetry Writing Workshop

ENGL 113.301
T 2-5

A course for students who have had some experience writing
poetry but who wish to improve the rhythm and expressiveness of
their language, and who many want to see the things of this world
in new relationships and, perhaps, with a broader vision.
Students will be asked to write every week, and to discuss and
critique the works of classmates and established poets.  We will
read collections of poems by Stephen Dunn, Sharon Olds, and
Lawrence Raab, as well as individual poems by several other
poets.  A final portfolio of revised poems will be required at
the end of the course.  Students interested in taking the class
should submit four to five poems to Gregory Djanikian.

Note: Students who wish to major in English with a concentration in
Creative Writing should contact Greg Djanikian immediately
(djanikia@english). This course may be used as the "gateway" to the
Creative Writing concentration (students must receive an "A" here and
then be admitted formally into the concentration). More information
about the creative writing option is available in the English Gopher:
from the Undergraduate Program main menu, hit "MAJOR REQUIREMENTS" and
then hit "You must declare a  CONCENTRATION".

fulfills requirements