Topics in Contemporary Art: Fictions and Frictions of Power
ENGL 797.401
also offered as: ARTH 594, CINE 594, COML 594
Thursdays 3:30-6:30 pm
A study of various exercises of power, as well as of types of resistance to power in philosophy, literature, and film.
Theory of power: Foucault. Power through language (Socratic dialogue). Erotic power (Racine, Andromaque; Hitchcock, Strangers on a Train; “Pauline Réage,” Story of O). Social power (Pierre Bourdieu; Mike Leigh, Vera Drake). Resistance to power: Withdrawal (Polanski, Revulsion; Haynes, Safe); psychic work (the body “scarred” by the real, and the thinking body (Freud, Bollas, Laplanche.)
fulfills requirements
Sector 3: Early Literature to 1660 of the Standard Major
Sector 4: Literature of the long 18th-century (ca. 1660-1830) of the Standard Major
last updated: May 13, 2015 - 2:21pm