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D I S A B I L I T Y   &   M O D E R N I S M



—Sponsored by—

The Penn English Department • The Penn School of Arts and Sciences

The Penn Humanities Forum • The Annenberg School for Communication

 The Project on Bioethics, Sexuality, and Gender Identity

The Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies Program & The Alice Paul Center

Main conference events to be held at the McNeil Center for Early American Studies, 3355 Woodland Walk, Philadelphia

Additional conference events to be held at Fisher-Bennett Hall, 3340 Walnut St., Philadelphia




Thursday, March 14

4:00 Welcoming Remarks
Paul Saint-Amour |Associate Professor of English |University of Pennsylvania
4:15 Opening Roundtable
Moderator: Heather Love | Associate Professor of English |University of Pennsylvania
5:45 Dinner Break 

Friday, March 15

9:00 Coffee & Continental Breakfast
9:15 “Seeing Touching Feeling: The Haptic Art of Judith Scott”
Rachel Adams
| Professor of English & Comparative Literature |Columbia University
Respondent: Clare Mullaney | Ph.D. student | Department of English |University of Pennsylvania
10:30 Coffee Break
10:45 “Booker T. Washington Does the World’s Work: Racial Uplift and Disability”
Todd Carmody
, ACLS/Mellon New Faculty Fellow & Visiting Assistant Professor of English |UC Berkeley
Respondent: Philip Tsang | Ph.D. candidate | Department of English |University of Pennsylvania
Noon Lunch, FBH Faculty Lounge, FBH

“Capacious Physiology, Modernist Disability”
Janet Lyon 
| Associate Professor of English |Penn State University
Respondent: Kalyan Nadiminti | Ph.D. student | Department of English |University of Pennsylvania


“Modernism, Conrad, and Cognitive Disability”
Joseph Valente
| Professor of English |State University of New York, Buffalo 
Respondent: Beth Blum | Ph.D. candidate | Department of English |University of Pennsylvania

3:15 Coffee Break
3:30 “Modernist Eugenics and Postmodern Poetics”
Susan Schweik
| Professor of English & Associate Dean of Arts & Humanities |UC Berkeley
Respondent: Vaclav Paris | Ph.D. candidate | Department of English |University of Pennsylvania
4:45 Closing Discussion, Faculty Lounge, FBH
Moderator: Jed Esty | Professor of English |University of Pennsylvania
5:30 Drinks reception, Faculty Lounge, FBH