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Graduate Fellowships 2016-17

Graduate Fellowships 2016-17

2016-2017 Academic Year
Application Deadline: March 15, 2016

The Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism (DCC) will award 3 graduate fellowships during the 2016-2017 academic year to Penn graduate students with approved prospectuses for dissertation topics in any discipline relevant to any or all of the program’s three overarching themes, “Democracy, Citizenship, and Constitutionalism.” Dissertations need address only one of the three themes.

The DCC Graduate Fellowship will provide for the graduate student’s tuition and annual stipend during the 2016-2017 academic year, plus $3500 to support dissertation-related research expenses in the summer of either 2016 or 2017. Recipients will also be compensated for administrative work done for the Program.

Funds are provided through a generous grant from the Mellon Foundation and the Mary and David Boies Family Fund. The recipients are expected to assist in organizing an interdisciplinary DCC Graduate Student Workshop in which graduate students from Penn and surrounding institutions may present pertinent research. They will also be asked to provide administrative support for the DCC Faculty Workshop Series and Annual Conference and they will be eligible to participate in these events.

Applicants should send:

1)   a CV
2)   a description of their dissertation’s aim, current status, and further research plans (not to exceed five double-spaced pages)
3)   a copy of their transcript
4)   a letter of endorsement from their Dissertation Supervisor.

Please send applications in Word or PDF format to, or mail hard copies to:

Matthew Roth
DCC Administrator
College Hall 208
Philadelphia, PA 19104


Questions concerning the DCC Graduate Fellowships should be directed to Matthew Roth at, phone 215-573-4881.

March 15, 2016