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Desire and Domestic Fiction in Early Modern England

ENGL 245.301
TR 9-10:30

For England, the eighteenth century was a period of tremendous political and social change. We will use a survey of the 18th-century novel, a literary genre that "rose" during this time, to explore some of those changes. In particular, we will examine how the novel's changing representations of sexuality and gender, the individual and the family, both reflected and affected political and cultural concerns such as definitions of literature and authorship, new class affiliations, and the forging of a national identity.

Novels will include: Aphra Behn: "Novellas"; Eliza Haywood: "Love in Excess"; Daniel Defoe: "Moll Flanders"; Samuel Richardson: "Pamela"; Henry Fielding: "Joseph Andrews"; John Cleland: "Fanny Hill"; Oliver Goldsmith: "The Vicar of Wakefield"; Frances Burney: "Evelina"; Ann Radcliffe: "The Italian"; Jane Austen: "Emma". Assignments will include several short papers, a longer paper and an in-class presentation. Students will have the option of a final research paper instead of the other paper assignements.

Note: taking this course, along with either 55 or 65, will complete the usual English 203 requirement alternatively.

fulfills requirements