Syllabus, English 760:
	The 1890s

Professor Auerbach
Fall, 1996

September 10 -- Introduction
	   17 -- Hardy, Jude the Obscure
          24 -- Gissing, New Grub Street
October 1 -- Kipling, The Light that Failed and "The Vampire."*
	   8 -- Ibsen, Doll's House, Hedda Gabler; Pinero, The Second 
		Mrs. Tanqueray.*

			15 -- Fall Break

	   22 -- Oscar Wilde, Salome; The Picture of Dorian Gray.
		29 -- Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Ernest; An 
		Ideal Husband; Hyde (ed.), The Trials of Oscar Wilde.
November 5 -- Ibsen, Ghosts; James, Turn of the Screw.
	   12 -- H. G. Wells, The Island of Dr. Moreau and TheTime 
	   19 -- Stoker, Dracula; Doyle, "The Parasite";* Stenbock, "The 
		True Story of a Vampire."*


	  26 -- Thomas Hardy, Tess of the d'Urbervilles.
December 3 -- Elizabeth Robins, Votes for Women;* J. M. Barrie, Peter Pan.

        			TERM PAPER DUE

	*Available on web page

	My office hours are Tues, 11-11:45, Thurs. 12-1:30, and by 
appointment. My office is BH 110, x 6332. 
	My e-mail address is nauerbac@english. Our class listserv address 
is Auerbach760@english.