Fall 1997
Professor Rebecca Bushnell

MLA Bibliography Exercise

Due: Oct. 21

The Modern Language Association (MLA) Bibliography gives a listing of scholarship written on literature,languages, linguistics and folklore, in books and journals. It exists in two forms: a book form and an on-line version. The on-line version covers material from 1963 to the present; look at the book version for earlier material. The books are found in the Van Pelt Reference section. The on-line version can be found in the library's menu/web page (or use links provided below). Once you log in, you can search by subject, author, and sources, with date and language limits.


  1. You will choose a subject from among the texts we have read so far (or pick your own, with the instructor's approval).

  2. Dial-in to the MLA, and choose a subject search (su:). [Connect to MLA database (through PennLIN). NOTE: You will be asked to enter your Soci$ number.]

  3. Then put limits on your subject search to works written in English and after 1990.

  4. Look at what is left and choose the one items that interests you the most: write down all information.

  5. Using Franklin, find this item in the library and read it. [Connect to Franklin.]

  6. Write up a description of the content of the article and offer some evaluation or criticism of the article.

Your exercise will be included in your grade; it will be evaluated for its clarity and thoroughness.