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Samuel Johnson's Definition of Apoplexy

From Samuel Johnson, The Dictionary of the English Language (1755):

APOPLECTICAL. adj. [from apoplexy]. Relating to an apoplexy.

We meet with the same complaints of gravity in living bodies, when the faculty locomotive seems abolished; as may be observed in supporting persons inebriated, apoplectical, or in lipothymies and swoonings. Brown's Vulgar Errours, b. iv.
In an apoplectical case, he found extravasated blood, making way from the ventricles of the brain. Derham's Physico-Theol.
APOPLECTICK. adj. [from apoplexy.] Relating to an apoplexy.
A lady was seized with an apoplectick fit, which afterward terminated in some kind of lethargy. Wiseman's Surgery.
APOPLEX. n.s. [See APOPLEXY.] Apoplexy. The last syllable is cut away; but this is only in poetry.
Present punishment pursues his maw,
When surfeited and swell'd, the peacock raw,
He bears into the bath; whence want of breath,
Repletions, apoplex, intestate death. Dryden's Juvenal.
APOPLEXED. adj. [from apoplex.] Seized with an apoplexy.
Sense, sure, you have,
Else could you not have motion: but sure that sense
Is apoplex'd. Shakesp. Hamlet.
APOPLEXY. n.s. [apoplexis.] A sudden deprivation of all internal and external sensation, and of all motion, unless of the heart and thorax. The cause is generally a repletion, and indicates evacuation, joined with stimuli. Quincy.
Apoplexy is a sudden abolition of all the senses, external and internal, and of all voluntary motion, by the stoppage of the flux and reflux of the animal spirits through the nerves destined for those motions. Arbuthnot on Diet.
Peace is a very apoplexy, lethargy, mulled, deaf, sleepy, insensible. Shakesp. Coriolanus.
A fever may take away my reason, or memory, and an apoplexy leave neither sense nor understanding. Locke.